Sunday, 7 July 2013

Techy Updates!

Alright, I'm back from camping and feeling quite a bit more relaxed! I finally feel like summer has started. I have a blank week ahead of me... meaning no renos, no work, and nothing on the schedule! So excited! Here's how much fun the puppies had swimming and camping this weekend.... they were exhausted on the ride home! :) A tired puppy is a happy puppy!

So I've been playing around with some of new bloggy technology that has been floating around. First up, Blog Lovin'! When I first heard that Google Reader was going down, I signed up for Blog Lovin' and immediately became a fan! I don't know how you like to read your favourite blogs, but I love the Blog Lovin' toolbar. I just open up Blog Lovin'... see how many unread posts I have, then open them up in the toolbar. This way I get to see the full layout of each blog. I love seeing all the different blog templates out there... (I'm thinking I might be in need of a makeover one day!)

I find it's so simple to use. Just click the <newer or older> button to see all of your unread posts from all the blogs you follow! You can also "like" posts to remember them for later. Do you follow your favourite blogs with Blog Lovin' like I do? Would you like to follow me? It's easy. Just click the picture below and click the blue follow button! 

Next, I've been playing around with my Facebook page. I've uploaded some new pictures of my new classroom! All I have done so far is move in tons and tons of boxes, so there's not much to see. But it gives you a before picture when I show you my absolutely finished classroom! We aren't allowed back into the school until August 19th... and then I only have 4 days to unpack, organize, and decorate my classroom before I am off to Vegas for a week! Woot woot! I'm not complaining though. It's going to be a very busy, exciting summer!

Here is a new freebie for you--a math game that practices addition to 20, using manipulatives. It is called "Add Them Bones". Students take turns spinning the two number spinners, putting doggy bones on the dog houses, and writing an addition sentence to go with it! A fun math station that can be played alone, in partners, or in small groups. (Note: The game board comes in full colour like picture, without the background colour, or in black & white.) Click the picture below to get your own copy!

And the last bit of techy adventure... I finally joined the Instragram craze. I'm not sure who is interested in following me, but I do take lots of iPhone pictures! Sometimes those pictures don't make it to my blog, so Instagram will be a fun way to share those extra pics! Just click the picture below and click the blue follow button!

Well, that's it for now! Have a relaxing Sunday!


  1. I need to do both of these things! I don't have the tool bar or a freebie page yet. Good job!

    Literacy Spark

  2. Your puppies are just adorable! I'm sure they had a blast. I am just figuring out the Instagram thing myself-I love taking pics so I'm not sure what took me so long.

