Saturday, 1 March 2014

Five for Friday

It is the last day of February. Can you believe it?? I only have four more teaching weeks until I am off on maternity leave. I can’t believe how quick it is coming. I still have report cards and parent teacher to get through though!
It has been FOREVER since I linked up with Doodle Bugs Teaching, but here I am with my Five for Friday. It’s a quiet house right now… dogs and cats are sleeping, the fiancĂ© is at work, and I’m just watching some Twilight. Who doesn’t love some teenage vampire love story??
February was a crazy month. First we had Valentine’s Day. I didn’t do anything too crazy. We made simple brown bag card holders… gave the kids construction paper scraps and foam stickers and just let them go to town. We did some candy heart graphing and had a little party at the end of the day. It was actually a pretty calm day, especially for a Friday!
v day
Next up, 100 day! It was a crazy-filled day. We made crazy 100 day hats (using colourful dot stickers) and of course fruit loop necklaces. I think that was the quietest my class has ever been this year. Of course we threw on some Olympics while we were stringing our fruit loops together. We watched the end of the Women’s gold medal hockey game. Sorry USA readers, but go Canada go!!! :)
100 Day
We also did the adorable writing and craft to go with “When I am 100 years old…” Some of them were super funny. My favourite was: “I will be a grandma. I will give grandpa some coffee. I will love being 100.” Bah ha ha!
We also did four fun, math centres: Roll and Tally to 100 (from Mathwire), What’s Missing? (freebie from First Grade Blue Skies), Hop by 10s (brilliant skip counting hop scotch by Kinder-Craze), and 100 chart puzzles.
Then we ended the day with some delicious, gluten-free cupcakes made by yours truly. Yum! Definitely a fun, but exhausting day.
I don’t know if you were big into the Olympics at your school, but it was craziness at ours! February is I Love to Read month, so we went with an Olympic theme. Each morning some older students read some Canadian athlete bios during the announcements. We had a dress like an athlete day and a read with a torch (flashlight) day. We even had our own Winter Olympics activity afternoon with broomball, floor hockey, luge, and snowboarding! We read medal winning books. We set reading goals each week and could earn our own gold medals. Here’s the fun display we made. Like the Olympic athlete I made? I used some adorable winter Melonheadz clipart as my inspiration! Turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself!
We did a few fun Olympic crafts. The athlete with flag came from here and the moose (the Canadian Olympic team mascot Komak… go here if you have never even heard of him!!) was designed by a kindergarten teacher at my mom’s school. So cute! I actually left that for a sub one afternoon and they had a great time putting it together!
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The neat thing about the Olympics this year was that in January I had a new student arrive. He actually just moved to Canada in October from Russia (somewhere near Moscow). In our Social Studies curriculum one of our units is about “Connecting with Others” and talking about diversity and similar needs of people all across the world. So we are learning a little bit about Russia. It’s so fun to connect our students’ real lives to our curriculum. They love learning about other places!
Before I left school today, I got my room already for March! I took down the Valentine’s Day stuff and put up my March decorations. The March calendar looks a lot less busy than February did…
Lastly and totally un-school related…. the baby room is complete!! 5 weeks until my due date. The room is done, the car seat is bought (but not installed yet), the hospital bag is packed… now just to finish report cards and I will be ready for her to come! (Ignore the ugly insulation in the window…. we live in a trailer and it’s to save heating costs in the winter… lol… it will be removed when spring finally comes!)
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That’s it for me tonight! Have a great weekend.