Wednesday, 28 May 2014

New 3D Shape Freebie!

One of my most popular freebies on TpT is "My Shape Book {All About 2D Shapes}". Someone had requested a similar book for 3D shapes and it has been on my to do list for ages. Well, I finally got around to it. It contains pages for spheres, cones, cylinders, cubes, rectangular prisms, triangular prisms, pyramids, square-based pyramids, and triangle-based pyramids. Each page has the student write the shape name, draw the shape, write the number of faces, edges, & vertices, find & colour the shape, and draw four things that are that shape.

Check out both freebies on TpT by clicking the pictures below:


Saturday, 24 May 2014

Top Ten Things I Want To Do This Summer {Linky}

The famous Deanna Jump is hosting a super fun linky party to make a list of the top ten things you want to do this summer! I am definitely in summer mode already, so I thought it would be fun to make my list of things I want to get accomplished this summer! Click on the button to link up with the party over at Mrs. Jump’s Class!

Summer linky button

{1.} Get Married!!


I finally get to marry my sweetheart this summer! We’re having a huge, casual outdoor shindig at our place. We own 4.5 acres out in the country, so it’ll be a lovely afternoon ceremony followed by a fun evening of delicious bbq, drinks, and dancing! So excited! I have tons to do to get ready for it though. Eeek! 55 days left!

{2.} Swimming


We have to get a new pool for the dogs, because this one ended up in the trash when we moved. They love to swim! I’d like to get a larger one so that I could fit more than just my feet in it! :)

{3.} Camping


We go camping every year and I hope that this year won’t be an exception! We’ll just have to make some adjustments with the baby and probably stick close to home. Good thing there are a million campgrounds within a 30 minute radius from our house!

{4.} Play Outside


Zoe is already loving the sunshine. We live in the country, so she better get used to playing outside and getting dirty! No staying inside playing video games for this girl! ;)

{5.} Read


I love to read non-school related books. I’m not going to lie though… I love cheesey romance novels. My brain can’t handle anything too deep usually, so I like the light fluffy stuff. Kate Perry is one of my favourite authors. Her books are very entertaining. This is the newest one coming out next month. Can’t wait!!

{6.} Family Time


We have two family reunion/get-togethers this summer as well as a weekend cabin getaway for my mother-in-law’s birthday. I can’t wait! (That’s my younger brother in the pic.. he is one proud uncle!!)

{7.} Movies in the Park


One of the parks in our city hosts movies nights every Friday night in August. It’s free and so much fun! I hope I can catch a couple!

{8.} School Stuff


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I know, I know, I shouldn’t have this on my list… but I have tons of ideas floating in my head and a to do list of things I want to do for when I go back to work. At least I have a good year and a bit to get this all done though. Did I mention I’m not going back until September 2015? That is insane. I need something to do, besides my cute little munchkin, to keep me busy! :) This is my newest math centre pack. I am so excited about it! It is back to school centres, but really could be used at any time during the school year. Click the picture above to check it out on TpT.

{9.} Scrapbook


I hope to actually have time to finish up some scrapbooks I started for some past vacations, as well as start a new one for baby Zoe! I already have tons of pictures of her (can you tell I like to show her off??) and need somewhere to put them all!

{10.} Relax!


Summer is definitely the time to find at least a few minutes to just lay back and relax. This was taken a few summers ago at my sister-in-law’s place, but we are planning to install one in our yard this summer. We already have the perfect spot picked out and I can just imagine myself laying there with a nice, refreshing drink in my hand!

What are your plans for the summer? Go link up!

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

New Fairy Tale Packs

If you are a fan of my 3 Little Pigs and Goldilocks Reading & Writing Mini-Units {blogged about them here}...


Then you will love my two newest packs... Gingerbread Man and Little Red Riding Hood! All of these packs feature the same reading and writing activities, but are adapted for the certain fairy tale. You can use any version of the stories that you have. Each pack includes a book list of examples of the different versions you can find! Check them out at TpT by clicking on the pictures below...

Monday, 19 May 2014

New Word Work Packs

I am *loving* being on maternity leave. The weather is finally warming up, we're starting to settle into our daily routines, and I get to spend all day with my sweet little muffin! I can't believe she is 7 weeks already. Wow, time flies!

I also love finding bits of time to work on some new products to use in my class when I go back and of course to share with you on TpT. I finally finished my word work centre packs. I just uploaded two new packs--Halloween Word Work and Fall Word Work. Each pack contains five different centres.

Halloween Word Work Centres focus on stamping Halloween words, putting Halloween words into alphabetical order, sorting short "e" word families, making words out of "Happy Halloween", and creating real or nonsense CVC/CCVC words.

Fall Word Work Centres focus on stamping fall words, sorting short "o" word families, unscrambling sentences, rhyming words, and a simple fall poem to practice colour words.

Here's a peak of all the available word work packs in my store. Click the links below to check them out at TpT.

I will be back soon with some new math centre packs!

Monday, 5 May 2014

TpT Teacher Appreciation Sale! (and some adorable baby pictures)

Even though I'm away from the blog for a bit (until I get a handle on life as a new mom!!) my entire TpT store will be on sale for the big Teacher Appreciation Sale. Everything in my store will be 20% off May 6 and 7. If you use the promo code: TPTXO, you can get an additional 10% off. Click the logo below to visit my store. Happy shopping!

Also, my beautiful baby girl Zoe Elizabeth just turned 5 weeks today. WOW, time flies! Here are a few beautiful photos from her newborn photo shoot when she was 5 days old. She was such a fuss pot the entire time, but you can't even tell from her pics! :)

I am loving my time off and enjoying every minute with this precious little bundle of joy! :)