Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Picture Book Linky Party #3

Phew! I'm all caught up! Woo hoo! This is my third picture book post and I'm linking up with DeAnne over at First Grade and Fabulous for the most current Picture Book Linky Party #3. This week's topic is Picture Books for Character Education.

How Are You Peeling? Foods with Moods by Saxton Freymann

Love the real photographs of these "foods with moods". Great book to use to talk about feelings.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud

I haven't tried setting up individual or class buckets yet, but I do enjoy reading the story and using the language to talk about bucket fillers and bucket dippers. I think it's a good metaphor that first graders can understand. I did buy this adorable Bucket Filler Craftivity from First Grade Fever that I would love to try out! 

Elmer by David McKee

Such a classic story about being true to yourself!

Chester Raccoon and the Big Bad Bully by Audrey Penn

Another great book by Audrey Penn, author of The Kissing Hand. This one is a great story to deal with bullying and to talk about what to do if you or a friend is being bullied!

Don't Squeal Unless It's A Big Deal: A Tale of Tattletales by Jeanie Franz Ransom

Tattling is such an issue with first graders. I did a really good sort with my class about which scenarios were reporting and which ones were tattling. So if someone was coming up to me with "He cut me in line!!" I could just respond with, "Are you tattling or reporting?" Usually they would realize it's not life or death and the world could continue tor evolve. hehe. You can find the sorting cards in this post {here}.

Lacey Walker Nonstop Talker by Christianne Jones

Good book to talk about voice levels AND the importance of listening.... Nobody wants a friend that never listens! Lacey learns her friend is actually pretty funny when she gives her the chance to talk! :)

Freckleface Strawberry by Julianne Moore

Love Julianne Moore (the actress) and love her books. The first one is a great story about loving yourself and all the unique things about you. The second book, Dodgeball Bully, is about standing up for yourself. I just found out there is a third book, Best Friends Forever, so of course I had to add it to my shopping cart. Haha!

You Get What You Get by Julie A. Gassman

I think every teacher needs to use the phrase "You get what you get and you don't get upset!" (or throw a fit, depending on where ya live!) It's a phrase I say many times a week... when passing out treats or papers or erasers... whatever it is! We are happy and thankful for whatever we may get! :) This book talks about that concept perfectly.

Jungle Bullies by Steven Kroll

A good story that teaches kids that even laughing at someone can hurt someone's feelings.

My Mouth is a Volcano!,  Personal Space Camp, and A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue by Julia Cook

Love all three of these books from Julia Cook. My Mouth is a Volcano! teaches about blurting. Personal Space Camp is great for teaching about personal space/boundaries. A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue gives a few rules about tattling.

Link up your favourite character education books with DeAnne over at First Grade and Fabulous!


  1. I love that book about the nonstop talker! I'm gonna have to check that out...we had quite the problem with that LAST year! And everything I've read from Julia Cook has been so fantastic for character ed! I'm hosting a math word problem linky(my first linky), and I would love if you'd stop by and check if it's something you'd want to link up to!

  2. Oh my word! I can't believe there is a book called "You Get What You Get", the author knows us primary teachers so well. You have the best ideas, I just love following your blog!


    Mrs. Plemons Kindergarten

  3. Wow! What a great list of books! I think I need to head over to amazon and pick a few of those up! Thanks for sharing! I love your blog - I am your newest follower!
    Laura ~ First Grade Spies

  4. Great selection---I will have to check out Jungle Bullies. IT looks so cute!! Thanks for linking up! :)
    First Grade and Fabulous
