Sunday, 30 June 2013

July Currently

I am officially on summer break now, but it does not feel like it yet! I had kids right up until Wed., June 26th. Then I had two admin. days Thurs. and Fri. Thursday I had to stuff my report cards, do my cum files, fill in the Grade 2 teachers on the students they will be getting next year, and empty out my classroom! It was a busy day, but I left a nice, empty classroom for the teacher returning! Friday I got to spend at my new school, where we had a staff meeting all morning and in the afternoon I unpacked my vehicle (load #1... I still have another load at my house to move this week!) into my brand, new classroom!

So not only was I busy with the regular end of year stuff and moving schools, we decided that we wanted to buy a new place out in the country (5 acres of land for the silly puppies to enjoy) and sell our existing house. We have been up to our eyeballs in painting, cleaning, fixing, and renovating the house for the last two weeks!! It was nuts!! But it's pretty much all done and the listing for the house is up, so now we just have to wait for some buyers! :D

I will always have time to link up with Farley, so here I am for the July Currently!

I will leave you with a fun summer-y picture of our puppies. Just enjoying their swimming pool. Haha. They are so excited to move out to the country! :)


  1. Hi Amanda! I had kiddos until Wednesday the 26th as well, but I did not have professional days on Thursday and Friday. Happy Finally Summer to you! Enjoy your time! :o)


  2. Cute picture! I bet they love that pool. I hope your selling process goes smoothly...we are in the buying process!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  3. Just found your blog through Farley's linky!

    Where do you live that you just now got out of school?! I've been out for a month and go back at the end of this month!!

    Good luck selling your house -- I know that can cause some major stress. Fingers crossed that everything goes quickly and smoothly.

    Mrs. Kelly’s Klass

    1. Hi Samantha,
      I live in Canada! We usually go until the last week of June, but then we don't start again until after the first weekend in September! Thanks for sending luck our way... we might need it! Enjoy your summer!

  4. Your pups are just too cute! Mine won't come near the little pool we got for her. I always put off groceries to the last minute-I took frozen waffles for lunch the other day! :)


  5. I think you might have inherited that grocery gene from that's ok...sometimes it makes you use up the stuff you already have in the house. Besides, ketchup sandwiches can be a nice change...and I think waffles are a perfectly fine lunch!


    1. Yup... good thing I had some frozen hamburger in the freezer and some Hamburger Helper in the cupboard for supper tonight! :)
