Wednesday, 26 February 2014

3 Million Member Sale!

I'm sure you've heard already, but Teachers Pay Teachers is having a huge sale February 27th and 28th to celebrate 3 million members! How exciting! Everything in my store will by 20% off and if you use the promo code TPT3 at checkout, you get an extra 10% off. Have fun shopping! Click the picture or {here} to visit my TpT store.

(image credit: Rachel Lamb for Blog Hoppin')

Saturday, 1 February 2014

February Currently

I finally made it around to link up with Farley's Currently! I missed the last few months, so this is pretty exciting for me! :)

Of course you can tell that I've got baby on the brain! Well, the truths are... yes, the baby's nursery is purple with owls. It's almost done and is looking super cute! I'll post pictures once it's all complete. I just love going in there and looking at some of the cute baby clothes I've gotten already. So precious... :)

And yes, we start our first prenatal class next week! Nine weeks to go and counting... I'm starting to get a little nervous!! :)

And the fib... no, the car seat is not installed yet. lol. It hasn't even been bought yet! I am having a heck of a time deciding on which one. Hopefully we decide before she comes! Otherwise we won't be leaving the hospital... lol

Happy Weekend, everyone!