Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Next School Year... {Linky}

I'm linking up with Kim over at Finding Joy in 6th Grade. I still have 22 days left of this school year, but I can't help thinking about next year already! How will I decorate my new room? What will I do differently? What will I do the same? Kim's link up is perfect to start thinking about all those things! Here are my top 5 things I want to differently next year... Check out Kim's blog!

joyin6th Homepage

#1: With my new *PERMANENT* teaching position, that means I can finally move all of my classroom stuff to school and leave it there! The past few years I have left my spare room full of tubs and boxes and books and craft stuff, so I didn't have to move it from classroom to classroom. I would just take it to school as I needed it and bring it back when I was done. But now I will be able to leave it in my new classroom. I'm sure the bf will be happy to be rid of all my stuff! :)

#2: This year my math block was from 1:00-2:00pm. I wanted to keep my calendar time in my math block, so we didn't do the calendar until 1:00pm. I always felt like it was kind of late. We go half the day before turning the date on the calendar. I'm hoping that next year's schedule works out to have my math block first thing in the morning! We will have to see though!

#3: I really slacked on the Daily 5 math this year. I tried, I failed. I just couldn't get the timing right. I had so many pull out groups (literacy support, reading recovery, math recovery, math support, speech, theme writing....) You name it, we had it. There is always someone out of my room. I also found it hard to do with 27 kiddos. Maybe it'll be easier with 21 next year? I can hope!

#4: My Daily 5 centres work very well. The kids are trained and engaged. I just need to work some more on the content of my small group lessons.

#5: I have been wanting to start a classroom blog for a while now and I feel next year will be a great time to start! Unfortunately our division hasn't worked out their blog policies yet, so I can't have a real "blog", but I will be using a wiki that the division has created for me. Of course I have "cute-sified" the wiki to work up to my standards, but it's still not quite the same as a blog. I am looking forward to updating the parents of my students weekly to show them what we have been working on in class! I think it will be a great communication tool!

Well, that's it for now! I still have 2 weeks of zoo animals to get through, then 3 weeks of summer/camping fun! I know these last 5 weeks are just going to fly right by. Then I will be moving into my new classroom and starting my summer vacation! Have a great week, every one!


  1. I would like to start a class blog too! What a great idea..I'll have to run it by my principal next year :)


  2. I use your calendar bundle too! I do mine first thing in the morning IN ADDITION to my regular Math Class. It works out very nicely because that 30 minutes (morning song, reading and correcting the morning message, and working through the calendar and counting and then either days of the week/months or math dance) is when I have some speech and language pullouts and my awesome EAs are exchanging books, reading with students who didn't read the night before and go through sight words.

    1. That sounds nice! I think I would like to have a calendar/morning message time first thing. I get next year's timetable soon, so hopefully it works out! :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I so hear you on focusing on guided reading groups. I did way better with that this year than I ever have. But now I'm really wanting to amp things up. But I'll be honest and say I'm working to do that all over. Fingers crossed we both accomplish this!
    Mrs. Landry's Land of Learning

    1. I hear you! There's always room for improvements, right? :)

  4. I found you through the linky and I am your newest follower.
    I laughed when I read your calendar comment. I feel the very same way. My math time was 10:15 - 11:15 and I felt like that was even too late for me. There is just something about calendar first thing in the morning that makes sense.
    Stop by sometime.
    My Heart Belongs in First
