Monday, 20 May 2013

Measurement Centres {with freebies} and an Announcement!

We are in the midst of a little measurement mini-unit in math right now. I put together 6 hands-on measurement centres for the kiddos to work on and they are having a blast with all the fun manipulatives! Here is what we are working on:

Centre #1: Measure a Friend {estimation & nonstandard length}

This is a fantastic freebie from Crazy for First Grade. I chose the nonstandard units (pencils and links) that the students needed to use to measure the length of their friend. First they had to estimation, then they could measure!

Centre #2: Measuring Penny {nonstandard length & width}

We read the adorable book Measuring Penny by Loreen Leedy and complete this adorable craft and measuring activity from Primary Junction's Second Grade Common Core Measurement Unit. We did the craft on a different day--I just had them do the measuring part as a centre. They had to use four nonstandard items (cubes, pencils, crayons, and paperclips) to measure the length and width of Penny the dog.

Centre #3: Farmer's Market {estimation & nonstandard length}

This is another centre from Primary Junction's Second Grade Common Core Measurement Unit. Students choose some fruits or vegetables from the market, make an estimation, and then measure the length with cubes. Primary Junction's activity has them measure with inches, but I just had my first graders use cubes to measure.

Centre #4: Rock Balance {estimation & nonstandard weight}

This cute freebie is from the awesome Reagan over at Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits. We had five rocks labelled A, B, C, D, and E. Students estimated how many bear counters would balance each rock. Then they measured! The students loved working with the balance scale. So much fun!

Centre #5: How Much Coffee? (or How Much Soda?) {estimation & nonstandard volume}

This was a freebie that I created. All you need is three different size cups... I went to my local Tim Hortons and asked for some cups. They were eager to share! I made two different versions... one to use with coffee cups or one to use with drink cups (ex. McDonalds). I wrote sizes on the bottom of the cup (S, M, and L). Students estimated how many cubes would fill up the cup. Then they filled it up and counted the number of cubes. Easy to set up and lots of fun! {Download recording sheets here.}

Centre #6: High Five! {nonstandard area}

This was another simple freebie I created. Students trace their hand on the recording sheet, then use different pattern blocks to fill in the area of their hand. {Download here.}

There you have it! A fun week of hands-on measurement activities!

Now onto my announcement.... if you've been following me for a while, you know that I have been moving from school to school so far, just covering terms and maternity leaves. I have been teaching for 6 years and I have been in 5 different schools, not including my year of subbing! Well finally it has come... I have been offered a permanent Grade 1 teaching position! I will be changing schools again, but then that will be it! I will finally have my own, permanent classroom that I get to stay in forever(ish)!! Yay! I am beyond excited! I can't wait to get in there and share some pictures with you! It's a bit smaller than my previous classrooms, but I don't care because it is mine! :)

Well enjoy your week everyone! We only have 27 days left.... yikes! Yes, that must seem a lot to you who are already done or are down to the one-digits... but we still have so much to cover! How will we get it all done?? Stay tuned!


  1. Congratulations on your new job It must be a sigh of relief to finally have a home(classroom of your own) to teach in!

  2. Congratualtions on your permanent contract! I teach grade 1 in the province beside you (Saskatchewan), and just got onto a permanent contract this year. It is very exciting to know that I will be in the same classroom next year, same grade, and not have to worry too much about classroom set up and how to set everything up!

    1. It's nice to meet more Canadian teachers on here! Especially a "neighbour" from Saskatchewan! (Even though we are football rivals! hehe) I am very excited about my contract! It's a load off the mind to know I will be teaching the same thing next year! :)

  3. Congratulations on your new job! I liked seeing the Tim Horton cups in your must be a Canadian blogger {like me!} :)
    Mrs. Bremer’s Kindergarten

    1. I sure am Canadian! :) No other coffee can compare to some good old Timmies!

  4. Yay! That is so exciting for you (and me, too!)! Now, you will just have to get through the next 27 days, with your current firsties...before you get your new firsties! :)

    1. 24 more now! Not that I'm counting! :)

  5. Congratulations on your permanent position! Very exciting for you. I love, love, love your measurement ideas. BTW I have a cat (Jaspurr) that is the twin of your Ashley! Made me look twice when I saw the pic, heehee. Gorgeous looking cats :)
    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  6. Congrats Amanda! Are you going to be teaching in the same area?


    1. Thanks, Renee! I am in the same division but a different town/school. It's a K-9 school so it will be a little different than what I am used to. I am looking forward to it though! :)

  7. Congratulations on your permanent position! You must be so excited!

    I found your blog while looking at classroom organization ideas on Pinterest! I am glad I did because I will be teaching 1st grade next year and it looks like you have a lot of wonderful ideas! It will be my 17th year of teaching, but my first year in 1st!

    Can't wait to explore your blog!

    Beth :)

    A Kindergarten Life For Me

  8. Your measuring activities look like a lot of fun, especially measuring your friend:)
    I need to get that Penny book. I've seen it on a few blogs now.
    Take care!

  9. Congrats on your new job!!!!! I know you are relieved to have a permanent classroom! Also, I love your math stations. Very cute activities. Good luck in your last few weeks of school!

    Tea cher at the Wheel

  10. Hi Amanda! I just found your blog and your math activities look great. Can't wait to use them in my classroom.
    I was in the same situation as you were with the subbing. First grade for a while, with some time as an Elementary Librarian and Kindergarten teacher. Thank goodness for maternity leave! In January, I was offered a full-time position at the school where I had subbed for the librarian. Now I have my own Firsties! We just finished our first week of school. Have a great school year!

  11. Wow, I can't believe I'm just now seeing your post. I don't know how I missed it. It truly makes my day to see that you used some of my activities with your students! I'm so glad they enjoyed them. Thank you for blogging about it!

    Primary Junction
