Thursday, 2 April 2015

April Currently

Is it really a new month already? My how time flies! Time to link up with Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade for April Currently.

I am one of those people that likes to have the TV on in the background all day. At our house it usually alternates between Treehouse Channel, HGTV, and Friends on Netflix. This morning it was Zoe's turn to pick the channel. 

Loving how Zoe's first birthday party turned out. Her party was on Saturday with all of her aunts and uncles and grandparents. Her actual birthday was on Tuesday. I can't believe my little baby is one already. She's is officially walking and running everywhere. No more of this crawling business! Here's a few pictures from her Sesame Street party:

Thinking about my BFF. She just had her baby on Sunday. She was only 27 weeks along. Poor baby boy is in the NICU. He's doing ok but there are so many unknowns with such a little baby. Lots of love go out the family. xoxo

On another note, things are officially moving along with the house building! We are just waiting for the official plans so we can get our permit and get started! :)

I got that second cup of coffee. It was delicious. Does anyone else use the Cinnabon creamer? I know it's terrible for me, but I'm addicted. Yum yum. 

I started this little blog four years ago when I made the leap from fourth grade to first grade. My very first Grade 1 classroom had a garden theme. You can see pictures of it {here}. Since then I have changed schools and classrooms twice and have dropped the garden theme. I now just decorate in fun, bright colours. 

Don't forget to go link up with Farley!


  1. Hi Amanda! I love your blog! Kassie did mine too. She is so talented. I love her stuff. One of our really good friends delivered her baby at 26 weeks about a month ago. We got to meet her last week. :) I hope your friend's sweet baby is doing well. It is amazing what they can do for these preemie babies. Zoe's birthday party turned out so cute!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Your blog design turned out so cute too. Kassie is really great! I love all her blog designs. I got to go see the baby on Friday and he is just so tiny! You could fit him in one hand. Hopefully all these preemies get bigger and stronger and get to go home to their families soon. :)

  2. Found your blog thru Currently. Your little girl is such a cutie! I love your blog header and the idea of a garden themed classroom. That would be so fun!
    First Grade Found Me

    1. Thanks so much!! I absolutely love my blog design. Kassie from Designs by Kassie did such an amazing job! :)

  3. That was the cutest party! My girls are growing so fast and aren't into cute parties anymore: they want adventure. Prayers for your friend's baby; I hope all turns out well. Happy Easter Weekend!
    Kovescence of the Mind

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words! :) I am going to enjoy the cutesy parties for as long as they last. My little girl is such a daredevil already that I'm sure the adventure will come sooner than I want. lol. Happy weekend to you too!
