Sunday 26 April 2015

If You Give a Teacher a GIft Card... iTeach First Giveaway

I cannot believe that it is almost the end of April! The end of the school year is fast approaching and I bet everyone's minds are racing with all the things you still need to do and teach and finish before summer break.

Well, I have just the thing to take your mind off your ever-growing to do list... How about a gift card to one of your favourite places? Our collaborative blog iTeach First is having a giveaway to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week. If you head over to the blog and enter the Rafflecopter, you can win one of four $25 gift cards to Target, Starbucks, Amazon, or TeachersPayTeachers. The contest will run from today until May 2nd. Four lucky winners will be announced on May 3rd! Click below to go enter!

Some of my fellow iTeach First bloggers and I have decided to share with you what we would buy if we were to win these awesome gift cards!

If you give a teacher a gift card, she'll want to buy some books. When she goes to order the books, her husband will tell her she already bought some books this week. So she'll think of what else she could spend her gift card on...

How about a Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino® Blended Beverage or Teavana® Shaken Iced Passion Tango Tea Lemonade from Starbucks? Yum!


Or maybe some laminating pouches or a pack of 100 dice from Amazon? Yipee!

I can't talk about Target. It's just too sad. Read why here.

But I do love TpT!! I've got a few things sitting on my wishlist that I would love to have. Maybe a Hello Fonts commercial font license by Jen Jones? Or some Nonfiction Easy Readers by Tara West? And you can never go wrong with more MelonHeadz clipart!


What would you buy if you won any of these gift cards? But remember, you can't win unless you go enter! Click the button below to enter. Good luck! :)


  1. What? Did you say Teavana® Shaken Iced Passion Tango Tea Lemonade? Now that's one I've got to try!

  2. I LOVE COFFEE! I should OWN MY OWN Starbucks! Wendy 1stgradefireworks 1stgradefireworks

  3. So sorry to hear about Target!
