Sunday, 15 March 2015

New Collaborative First Grade Blog - iTeach First

I have a very exciting announcement to make! 
I have decided to team up with some of my very best first grade buddies to write for a collaborative blog! 
That means ONE blog with TONS of great ideas from several super awesome First Grade teachers!

One thing I L-O-V-E about this blog, is you will know exactly what to expect each day of the week.  For every day, there is a blogging theme.  Check them out! 

I'm SO excited to get started on this new adventure, and am thrilled to invite you along for the ride.  Let's celebrate with a little giveaway!  

You can win two of my spring packs--First Grade Spring Math Centres and First Grade Spring Word Work Centres. Nine math centres and five word work centres to keep you busy for the next month or so! Hopefully they will get you in the spring mood!

All you have to do to enter is follow us over at iTeach First then follow the instructions on the rafflecopter below.  

I can't wait to get started sharing some great First Grade ideas with you!


  1. I am looking forward to hearing and learning about some new things for my classroom! Thanks so much!

  2. This looks amazing!! I teach first as well, if you ever need another blogger, I would gladly join! :) Have a great week!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm looking forward to hearing all the great ideas from other first grade bloggers. I think we just filled all the spots, but you could contact the creator Nicole and see if there's any space left! Her email is on her blog page:

  3. This is a wonderful idea...excellent for new teachers as well as experienced teachers who want a venue to voice their ideas, resources, and knowledge. Thanks!
