Wednesday, 4 March 2015

2015 Joy Cowley Classroom Giveaway

Are you familiar with the author Joy Cowley? She is the genius behind the delightful story of Mrs. Wishy-Washy and many others! I love her early reader sets because they are the perfect levels for first graders. The text is simple and the stories are very entertaining and humorous for young readers! These books are perfect for guided reading groups, read to self or partners, and home reading programs.

If you love Joy Cowley and her books, you will love the giveaway that Hameray Publishing is putting on. The lucky grand-prize winner will receive a classroom package of Joy’s stories, which include the newest adventures of cherished characters Mrs. Wishy-Washy, the Hungry Giant, the Meanies, and others. This year’s package includes ninety leveled readers, eighteen big books, and a set of finger puppets, with a prize total valuing at $1,000!

To enter the contest, head over the Hameray Publishing website and enter their rafflecopter! Click {here} or the picture below to head over there now. The contest runs from now until March 31, 2015. A winner will be chosen and announced on that day! (That's also my little Zoe's first birthday! Fun!)

Hameray Publishing is also hosting a little mini-contest here on my blog. One winner will receive a big book copy of Do-Whacky-Do, a fun story about ten silly clowns! To enter this contest, enter the rafflecopter below! This contest will end in two weeks, on the 18th! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love ALL of the Mrs. Wishy Washy books! My kids do too!

  2. We love Barbie the Wild Lamb.
    Theresa N

  3. The Wishy Washy books are my faves, too, but I like them all!

    Grade ONEderful
    Barbara Leyne Designs
