Sunday, 2 June 2013

June Currently

Yay! Time to link up with Farley for the June Currently! I wrote my Currently this afternoon, but got distracted by cleaning and organizing, so I'm posting it now!

18 days left of school! So excited! It sounds like I'm not the only one changing schools this year. There's a lot of bloggers packing up their rooms. I'll be getting to that in the next few weeks.

My vacation needs are:

1. My iPad (I use the Kindle app to carry tons of good reads or play various games like Word Warp, 4 Pics 1 Word, Plants vs. Zombies...)

2. A cold Slurpee on a hot day... although I am from the Slurpee Capital of the World, so we drink Slurpees on cold days too. Dr. Pepper is the best. Cream Soda is good too.

3. Tent because we love to go camping! We had three camping trips booked for the summer, but we had to cancel two of them, so we are only going to go camping once this summer! Oh well. Vegas beats camping any day! ;)

Go check out the other Currentlys and don't forget Farley's rule of 3!


  1. Hello Amanda!!! I found you through the Currently Linky!

    I, too, am moving schools this year! We've been out of school a little while so I'm done packing, but MAN was it a PAIN!!!!

    I could SO go for a slurpee right now! I'm originally from NJ (now live in La.) and I haven't had a slurpee in ages!

    Good luck with your move :)
    Closing the Gap... in a Cute Outfit!

  2. I need longer weekends, too...a longer summer break might be nice too! Have a great week! Hugs!
