Monday, 8 April 2013

Peek at my Week Linky

This is my first time for linking up with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten for her Peek at my Week Linky! I put together a brief overview of what we're planning (hoping) to cover this week! I'm not sure if I will do this every week, but I thought I would give it a shot and see if it interested anyone! :)

Here we go! If you click on either picture it will take you to the Google Docs link where you can download the PDF of my schedule. In the PDF you can click on the pictures or the blue links to check out the products I plan to use this week. There are a few of my own products and many from other fabulous bloggers!


Now I have a little freebie for you! I always start my calendar time off by watching a few song videos from YouTube on the projector. We have a lot of favourites, mostly from Mr. Harry's Kindergarten. I decided to make a little menu of our favourite songs. I just took screen shots and put them together into a file. I added links to each YouTube video, so if you click on the picture it will take you directly to the video.  I let my star of the day choose the 2-3 videos we watch each day. They are pretty excited to be the one to choose which songs we sing! :) Click the picture to download your own menu! Enjoy!

Background from Dreamlike Magic Designs.
Other images belong to the video creators!

I hope everyone has a great Monday!


  1. Amanda, I love the songs from Mr. Harry's Kindergarten too! I especially like "If You're a Kid" and his songs about solid figures. I also really like the song in your menu for "Today is Monday". I can't believe all the work you did for this post/linky! I am humbled and a little afraid to try a Peek at my Week myself.

    However, if you'd like to stop by my blog and pick up some freebies, that would be great!

    Your latest follower,

    Sharon Dudley, NBCT
    Teaching with Sight

    1. Thanks for stopping by Sharon! I'll definitely come check out your blog!

  2. I was compelled to comment about your week's lesson plan. I love the layout and how everything is succinctly organized. I am in my first year of teaching and my goal is to have my week's plan look like your above. I am teaching grade 1 in Egypt (at the Canadian school) and I wish I had this much time in a day to teach. Keep up to good work. I can't wait to explore your blog further.

    1. Thanks for the comment Lexi! My best friend is actually teaching high schol phys. ed. in Egypt right now! How neat is that? Are you enjoying it out there?

      I'm glad you liked my visual plans. I hope you don't think my day book looks like that, though! :) I just did that once to link up with Deedee Wills. My actual day book is the same size (a week spread out over two pages), but I fill it in with pencil chicken scratch! It's pretty messy!

      Thanks for stopping by!
