Tuesday 2 April 2013

April Currently!

I love Farley's Currently. I can sum up all my thinking into one cute picture! :)

So the snow here is *starting* to melt, but we still have way too much. At least two feet of untouched snow in our front yard. At least in the backyard the puppies are there to trample it down for us. We still have big drifts against the fence though. Big enough that both puppies can stick their heads over the fence and check out what's going on! Haha. Oh my, the first time we saw this happen we were just getting into the car to go to Easter supper and we just killed ourselves laughing. One of our neighbours said she was walking her dog and they popped up and her poor dog didn't know what to do. Haha. My silly puppies are just big people watchers. They love to know what's going on!

As for school, I'm still waiting to hear where I'm going to be teaching next year! Hopefully I will stay in Grade 1, but you never now!

We've been busy getting back into the swing of things this week after Spring Break. Monday was fairly quiet... I had 9 students absent. Apparently they were all taking Easter Monday as a holiday... even though it's not a school holiday here! :P That left me with only 17 students. It was a dream! I didn't want to do too much new stuff, with a third of my class away, so we wrote about our Spring Breaks and made this cute Duck/Rabbit reversible puppet freebie from Mrs. Miner's Kindergarten. The other side of the rabbit is a duck! My kids loved the book and loved making the puppet.

And did you see my fancy piece of technology on my blue shelf! I got a document camera on Monday! Woo hoo! I've only used a bit so far, but I can see it coming in really handy. Before if I wanted to show something quickly on the screen, I would take a picture on my iPhone and email it to myself. Pretty lame, huh? Now I can just place the document under the cam and voila! It appears on the screen! I can even take a picture of it from there if I want. I love technology!

Well that's it for now. Enjoy the rest of your week!


  1. Hi, commenting from Currently! Snow? Where do you live? It's almost 90 here! I definitely need to follow your advice. I am trying to get better at taking more pics in my classroom!

    The Bender Bunch

    1. I love in Manitoba, Canada. Winter capital of North America, I think! :)

  2. Hi! I found you from Oh Boy Fourth Grade! I can't believe you still have snow - I can't even imagine it!! Hope it warms up and starts feeling like spring soon!


  3. You have 26 first graders!! Wow- that's a lot of little bodies in one room. I love snow... but I don't live in it. So, I believe now that it's April, it would be nice if the snow finally melted! I loved having a document camera in my classroom when I did! The kids love it too. Have fun using it!

    Learning With Mrs. Brinn

  4. Stop IT! That is SUCH a cute picture of your pups Molly and Bella! We still have some snow here in Vermont too. My black lab Oscar just loves rolling around on it. He likes to scratch his back on the packed snow. It's pretty funny to watch! Love your pet picts! :) The Learning Lab

  5. Hi! I found you on Currently! Is that your position? To be moved where you are needed? That would be hard! I am your newest follower and look forward to reading more of your posts!

    1. Hi Kim,
      Thanks for stopping by! I am on my second term position with this division. I've been covering maternity leaves so far, but next year they have to hire me permanent or not hire me at all. My principal recommended me and there should be lots of spots open next year, so it's just a matter of time before I have a permanent job and won't have to keep moving around! Yipee! :)

  6. Hi! I love your use of the document camera...the rabbit/duck looks really cute! My grandpuppies are so smart! (and cute!)

    See you tomorrow!

  7. That picture of your dogs is to die for! So cute!

  8. Found your blog through Currently. I am stalking around finding some firstie teachers. I will be teaching first grade next year and I love making TpT classroom theme and packets. Check out my blog and leave me a comment if you have any great ideas!

    My wanting had been the same as yours for a while! And I finally found out last week that I will be teaching first!

    Freebie in my latest post if you comment!

    If You Give a Teacher a Treat
