Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Where I Teach Wednesday

I spent a second day in my classroom, moved a second carload of stuff, and made quite a big mess in my room! I did get lots accomplished though... so I'm feeling ok right now! :) Here's a few pics of the progress so far...

View from my door as I was leaving today.... 
that big pile of boxes on the desks are empty though, so that's good!

Here's my listening centre all set up... 
I'll post more about how I set that up another day.

I got my calendar wall all ready to go. 
I am so lucky to have a black board in my room. 
A non-magnetic black board to be exact. So useful. 
I stocked up on some small 3M hooks
to help me hang pocket charts in that space.

I covered all my back bulletin boards today. 
On the back shelf I have my levelled library books and 
my new, bright coloured student book boxes. 
I have to get those labelled tomorrow.

I also found out I am getting a new student, so that puts me up to 26! At least it's an even number. That makes it ok for me :) Plus the secretary said she looked like a little sweetheart!

I promise to give you a full classroom tour when I am all done. For the mean time, check out the other classrooms that linked up with Blog Hoppin' today. {Click the pic below.}



  1. You bright student boxes are adorable! They make the room so cheery!
    Learning 4 Keeps

  2. Just stumbled across your blog via Pinterest & am your newest follower! Can't wait to check out your earlier posts. Love your classroom pics :)
    Mrs. Bremer’s Kindergarten

  3. I love how neat your classroom is! I am your newest follower :)
