Saturday 4 August 2012

Rainbow Classroom Labels

Ok, it is my birthday weekend and I am going to be busy, busy! But before I'm off camping and visiting with family, I wanted to quickly post about my Rainbow Classroom Labels. I wanted labels for my levelled library tubs and my student book boxes. I am using the six rainbow colours (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple) with Pete the Cat and polka dots thrown in for my classroom theme this year.

Here are my levelled library tubs, just waiting to be filled with classroom books!

This is the first year I am going to be assigning numbers to my students. I figure it saves me having to relabel everything with new names every year. I can reuse my beautiful year after year, until I change my colour scheme ;) These are my number labels for my students book bins... Just waiting for the lovely neon bins to arrive from Really Good Stuff!

I just loved the polka dots and the way these turned out, that I made some matching round labels. I'm going to use these to number various things, such as my new, in-the-making, math toolboxes! If you have not checked out Renee's new blog, The Reading Corner, you need to go there right now! She has some *AMAZING* Daily 5 math ideas. I may be a little biased, seeing as she is a fellow Manitoban teacher and there are very few of us, but I do love her ideas! These math toolboxes are one of her great ideas. Each student has a bag that has a variety of math manipulatives they would need for games, individual work, or whole group lessons. They just bring their whole bag with them when they are off to work! I am going to attach these circle number labels to each toolbox, so each student is responsible for the contents of their toolbox.

These rainbow labels can be used for a variety of things: lockers, cubbies, desks, math tubs, supply bins, reading bags--you name it! Click the picture to check it out at TpT. In this pack, you will get:

*square labels, 1-30
*square labels, A-Z
*blank square labels
*round labels, 1-30
*round labels, A-Z
*blank round labels


  1. YAY!!! Thanks for the Shout Out! So glad you found the bags!!

    The Reading Corner

    1. No probs! ;) I still don't have a full class set though... I've gotta hunt down a few more Dollaramas. lol
