Saturday 1 November 2014

November Currently

Happy November! You know what time it is.... Farley's Monthly Currently!

Listening... Netflix is my maternity leave guilty pleasure. I get to catch up on all the awesome shows! "Gilmore Girls" was one of my high school favourites. We watched every episode from the beginning. This is before the world of DVRs/PVRs, so every week on the same night... my mom, my aunt, me, and my two friends, would gather at my house to watch the newest episode. I'm pretty sure by the last season my brother and dad were in on it too. Brings back good memories! :)

Loving... yesterday was my mom's 50th birthday! We had to do something special, so Zoe and I dressed up in our costumes and surprised her at school (she is a grade 3/4 teacher). We got to spend the afternoon with her class for their costume parade! Then we went to my parents for dinner and to help hand out candy to all the trick-or-treaters! It was a fun day! :) Here's a little shot of me and my ladybug:

Thinking... actually, as I waited for my pictures to load, I got the ice cream. I am now eating it straight out of the carton. I am not even ashamed.

Wanting... the weather stay nice and crisp! No snow yet. Woo hoo!

Needing... my baby is too smart for her own good. She is 7 months old as of yesterday. At 6 months she started crawling and sitting up. Last week she started standing up against furniture and in her crib. We need to bring the crib down so she doesn't flip out of it, but hubby was not home today. So I took her playpen out and so she would have somewhere safe to sleep. I'm a goof like that. lol

Reading... I love fluffy chick lit. Kate Perry is one of my favourite girly authors. I love the "Laurel Heights" series and now the "Summerhill" series. I've actually read all the books like three times each. Waiting for the next Summerhill book due out January!!

Well, that's it for me now!


  1. I've never heard of Kate Perry fact I had to look it up just to make sure it wasn't Katy Perry! I'm glad to hear how much you're enjoying your maternity leave! I'm sure your co-workers are missing you though! I know I'm missing one of mine right now...DESPERATELY! Enjoy every last day at home with your sweet little ladybug!
    Short and Sassy Teacher

  2. I am watching Gilmore Girls right now too! Haha. Almost finished with season 2. It is my go-to show when I am doing school/bloggy/tpt stuff. I have never heard of Kate Perry either! I am going to have to request a book from the library... thanks for the idea! Happy November!

    Funky in Fourth

  3. LOve the Halloween pics! My granddaughter's name is ZOE...little firecracker! What a nice gift for your MOM. I know about being afraid she might fall out of her's time to lower it! Good Luck! Wendy 1stgradefireworks

  4. Your ladybug is so stinkin cute!! I've never heard of Kate Perry. Thanks for the recommendation! Also I have never watched Gilmore Girls... (I know, I know). It's on my Netflix list of shows to binge watch soon! ;)

    My Carolina Classroom

  5. I love how you highlighted your answers on the Currently format - it looks great! Your little one is so adorable! Enjoy this time while you can - it goes so fast!

  6. What great costumes! And that you got to spend time with your mom. Thanks for a book recommendation. I love fluffy chick lit!

  7. Gilmore Girls is the greatest!!!! It's hilarious, and I'm so glad it's on Netflix now! I just finished season 3, too!

    Kindergarten Teacher at the Wheel
