Sunday, 15 July 2012

Back From Vacation!

I am sooooo happy to be back home after a week away! We had a fabulous vacation... I went on some of the fastest roller coasters I have ever been on, slid down America's first looping water slide, visited two amazing zoos, reread the Fifty Shades trilogy, and had a fun visit with my family! I got to meet my first (and only) boy first cousin... he's about 6 months and super cute! Love those chubby baby cheeks!

Well, over the course of my vacation, I did let me mind wander to school and to blogging *a bit*... Being from Canada, when I get a chance to visit the states, I love shopping at stores we don't have here. So here's a little peek into my shopping stops ;)

I have never been to a Lakeshore store before... Oh. My. Word. There's a teacher store about an hour from me, but not nearly as big as this one! It was heaven! Oh, and 20% off almost everything in the store. If my other half wasn't with me, I would have spent a lot more time and a lot more money there! :)

I bought some cute cupcakes, polka dot letters, a number puzzle, birthday certificates, buttons, and more. Next stop, Dollar Tree!

I found a couple puzzles, some foam cubes to make my own dice, and some crazy straws to make my birthday balloons.

What shopping trip would be complete without the Target Dollar Stop? A few mini pocket charts, some Dr. Seuss flash cards, and cute post-its!

And last... how could I not stop at Kohl's? Everyone else has a Skippyjon Jones doll. I wanted one too. *pout* Haha. I love those books so much!

Well there you have it! I'm looking forward to a relazing week at home... the unpacking, laundry, and cleaning can wait until tomorrow. Tonight is about relaxing. And maybe catching up on Big Brother. (Yes, I watch that garbage. Sue me. lol) Good night!


  1. There's a Lakeshore within an hour of my house/20 minutes from my school. I'm. In. Trouble. (I spent an hour there the other day laminating trimmer for all of my bulletin boards!)

    There's No Place Like Second Grade

    1. Oh, that would be bad news for me!! :) I'm glad I live 6 hours away... lol

  2. I've always wanted to go to a Lakeshore store. I only buy online. Great finds.

    ✣ Miss Nelson✣
    Miss Nelson’s Blog

  3. I stopped at Lakeshore last week and picked up some adorable apple border and accessories:) I LOVED the 20 percent off too.

    The crazy straws are a great idea for the balloons. I was going to buy the giant pixie sticks for them, but am worried about attracting critters in my classroom! I am heading to the Dollar Tree soon.

    The Resourceful Apple

  4. Welcome back from vacation!! Isn't Lakeshore the best?! I love going there. I am headed to the Dollar Tree tomorrow. I did the pixie stick balloons last year & I think I'm going to change it to straws this year. :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  5. I just found Lakeshore recently too and I loved it!!! It's so well organized with signs so I'm not wandering aimlessly around!

    Marvelous Multiagers!
