Sunday, 1 February 2015

February Currently

I promise I have some classroom tricks and ideas up my sleeves to share with you, but for tonight I just have my February Currently! Go link up with Farley if you haven't yet! I think I am number two hundred or something... oh well. Better late than never!


  1. How exciting to be building a new home. We put on a huge extension to our house a few years ago. It was totally worth the stress. I can say that with a smile now that it is all over. Crossing my fingers you hear from the bank soon.

    Quinnessential Lessons

  2. Hilarious pageant title; I know relate just too well!! How exciting to be building a new home!! And congrats on your quickly-growing baby girl!! (I can't believe I have one who's a sophomore in college already!! How did that happen?!) Sounds like you have an exciting and happy year ahead! Best wishes!

  3. Oh my your blog design is beautiful! I'm a new blogger and love finding new blogs that are eye catching and have great material! Excited to be a new follower! Enjoy your week!

    Teach Talk Inspire
