Sunday, 1 June 2014

June Currently

It's been a while, but I finally got around to linking up with Farley's monthly currently! What are you up to this fine June day?? Can you believe it is June already? My baby girl is two months old already! Wowee! Go link up at Oh Boy Fourth Grade with your currently!


  1. Amanda, I love visiting the zoo! Maybe I should add it to my own Summer Bucket List :)

    The Blossoming Teacher

  2. I am always looking for a new recipe for dinner! Our latest creation has been chicken or pork on the grill, mango salsa, and homemade coleslaw. SO EASY!

    Head on over to my blog and check out my GIVEAWAY!

    If You Give a Teacher a Treat

  3. Aww a baby. <3 THey do grow quickly. I don't have one of my own, but my nephew was born on March 18 and every time I see him he is bigger. :) Oh and I made an appointment for Tuesday to get my hair "did." :)


    Creative Ideas for the Upper Elementary Classroom
