Thursday, 21 February 2013

Hall Pass!

This has been the shortest. week. EVER! Monday--holiday, no school. Tuesday--snow day, no school!! Wednesday & Thursday--regular classes. Friday-P.D. Day, no kids! Pretty sweet. I will take it!

So I am linking up with Reagan's fun linky party Hall Pass!

I'm loving my new word work centres that I've been putting out each month, but I think for my favourite product I am going to choose my guided reading cards. I use these on a daily basis for our Daily 5 time. I've switched things up a few times since the start of the year, due to different pull outs and , but the cards have been helpful. Instead of writing my students names on the group cards included in my pack, I put each student's name on a coloured sticky. This makes it easy to move centre groups around and still know which kids are in which reading group. Works great for me!

My favourite area in my classroom is the cozy little library. I moved some furniture around last week, so our library got a bit cozier. It's a little nook now. This layout helps keep the shelves in the same spot though. Before they would get rolled around and pushed back and I was always straightening them at the end of the day! This layout  works a lot better!

I use the "Class? Yes!" signal to get my students attention this year. It works great because my kids are so yappy that they love repeat what I'm saying, especially if I use a silly or high-pitch voice. During working time, if things are getting too loud I ring this little bell on my desk and whisper "Quiet Bell". If I have to ring the bell three times in a certain period of time, we have five SILENT minutes. I've only had to do this a couple of times. After the first bell we usually get pretty quiet. (<-- quiet bell was an awesome tip from Teacher Tipster)

Some cuddles with my puppies, a phone call with my mom or my aunty or both, a diet Dr. Pepper, and maybe some chocolate...  You gotta have someone to vent to! My teaching partner is awesome because our classes are both super weak so we understand each other's frustrations. But I also have my mom who teaches a grade 3/4 class and my aunty (who is my best friend) who teaches juniour high French and music. They totally "get it". :)

Well, that was fun! Thanks for sticking around! I forgot to blog about a new freebie I posted on TpT, so here it is. Just a quick and easy math centre: Hundred Chart Fill Ins! There are 10 different charts. You can laminate them or stick them in a plastic page protector so students can use dry erase markers to fill in the missing numbers. There are different patterns, like counting by 3s and 5s, even and odd, or random numbers. Good for differentiation as well! Click the picture below to check them out!


  1. Thanks, hun. You are my sanity, too (whether it is venting about my day, listening to your latest plans or stories about my grand-puppies and -kitties, or having you support me through my latest health challenge)! You are amazing!

    I wish I had a cute library space, too...I am so glad that you picked out that's perfect for your space!


  2. Amanda,
    I enjoyed reading your Hall Pass!
    Your carpet in the library is so cute!
    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Thanks, Julie! That carpet was a Target find. I loved it as soon as I saw it! :)

  3. Hi Amanda,

    Thanks so much for the freebie. My students can always work on writing numbers to 100. I'm headed over to follow your TpT store.

    I'm also participating in the linky, so feel free to come visit me and read my hall pass!
    K. Almaraz at Our Future is bright

  4. Amanda thanks for freebie! It's so cute! Could you tell me where you got the dot on brown (dots on chocolate) background paper...I've been looking for some and can't find any that I like! Thanks so much! I loved reading your Hall Pass! :o)

    A is for Apple B is for Blog
