Thursday, 4 October 2012

October Currently, Snow, and Listen to Reading

I feel like such a bad blogger... So many things to do, never enough time, right? This school year has been kicking my butt! I can't seem to get caught up with anything. It's hard being in someone else's classroom, too. I'm such an organizational freak and I just can't get everything organized. There's just too much stuff everywhere! Can't wait to find a permanent spot... Cross my fingers for next year!!

So first up: October Currently from the lovely Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade. I can't believe that it's October already. Scary! Report cards next month :S Eek!

Yes, you heard me right. It snowed here today. The snow didn't stick at my house, but my school is 30 mins. away and there must have been around 2 inches of snow there when I left at 4:30! I was not prepared for winter this early... I didn't even wear boots to school! Just flats. Not even socks! What was I thinking? Look at this picture I found on CTV News:

Isn't that crazy? It's only October 4th! Poor geese just didn't know what to think. It was +27°C last weekend! What a jump. The poor kids just wanted to go outside and play in the snow, but we had inside recesses all day. Boo!

I wanted to share with you how I do "Listen to Reading" in my class. It is always such a favourite with the kids. Here's what my listening station looks like. I have one basket of books and 6 little baskets with headphones/mp3 players. The poster I created to help the students become independent with turning the mp3 players on. These are just cheap $15 players from Walmart. Definitely high quality and kind of finicky too. I hope to upgrade one year.

I have a collection of about 40 books/CDs that I have collected over the last couple of years. I get them all from the Scholastic Book Orders. They always have great deals! Each book has a sticker label with a number on the back. I keep them all in one basket. The kids can choose whatever book they want to read, and if they have time, go back and choose a second book. I don't do any recording sheets or anything. They are just happy (and quiet) to be listening to a book.

To make it easier for the kids to find the book on the mp3 player, I change all the file names to numbers (to match the stickers on the books). Then I go into the properties of each file and remove any text (title, author, genre, etc.) and just put the title as the file number. That way the kids just have to scroll through the numbers on the mp3 player and find the matching number, instead of worrying about reading all the titles. It makes things a lot easier!

Here's what we're up to tomorrow. Paper bag turkeys! We went for a walk yesterday to collect some dry leaves to fill up our paper bags. Good thing we did that before the snow today or we'd have some wet turkeys!! :)

Well, I will be back on Saturday to participate in Jessica's Product Swap! Very excited! Have a happy Friday everybody! Oh, and don't forget to stop by Barbara's blog at Grade ONEderful (if you haven't already) to say congrats on 500 followers and checkout her awesome giveaway! Some fabulous bloggers donated some awesome prizes!


  1. I love Grade ONEderful and her blog beautifulness! Glee is one of my favorites...and bring on the Brody! Wow snow! I can't even imagine...

    Love your blog design, BTW!

    Chickadee Jubilee

    1. I'm glad someone else is cheering for Brody, too! :)

  2. CAN'T believe you have snow! We just finished two days with 100 degree weather! I would love some cold weather soon! Enjoy your three day weekend!

    1. I couldn't believe the snow, either! It's usually not this early. It'll probably melt this weekend though!

  3. What a great blog! So many great ideas! I love seeing the way you set up your Listen to Reading station. This is my first year doing Daily 5, so I am always looking for new ways to make it run smoothly.

    I can't believe that you already have snow! So not looking forward to that!


    1. Thanks so much, Julie! :) I'm hoping the snow melts this weekend and doesn't come back until December!!

  4. Hey, hun...the snow found it's way to our school, too! I was acting principal today though, and decided that we should all go outside for recess anyway. I was on duty as well, so the kids couldn't complain that I was sending them out and staying in where it was

    Enjoy your Friday! We're looking forward to seeing you for Thanksgiving this weekend!


    1. I had duty today. It was fun to see all the kids making snowman. It was perfect, sticky snow for snowmen too!! Happy Friday! See you on Monday!

  5. Snow...I'm so jealous...I LOVE the snow! Here in Eastern NC, I don't get to see that much of the white stuff.

    Learn, Play & Have Fun

    1. I'll send you some in the mail! hehe. We have it allllllllll winter long! Usually not this early though! :)

  6. Oh, no...I can't do snow in October. Snow is beautiful but that's where my love of it ends...looking at it. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I love your "Listen to Reading" idea with numbering the books. I've asked for mp3 players on DonorsChoose and hopefully (fingers crossed) I'll get them and I'll definitely use that idea.

    You Might Be a First Grader...

    1. I totally feel the same way! I wish that it would only snow on December 23rd, be all white and beautiful for Christmas, then melt on the 26th. I would be happy with that. lol

      Good luck with your DonorsChoose project!

  7. Snow! I love it. I can't wait until we get some here in Oklahoma. :-)

    OMG! I love the idea of numbering the books. My kiddos have the hardest time finding their books on our mp3 players. I'm going to have to think about that, although they know that they are in ABC on the mp3 player. I'm going to have to think about that. Thank you for sharing.

  8. I hope that you have been able to enjoy the snow and your long weekend! Great idea with your numbering system!


    Kelly Teach

  9. Wow, you have snow! It is 90 degrees where I live. I can't even imagine...
    I haven't watched Glee in such a long time. I don't know who Brody is. I need to start watching again!
    I love your Listening Anchor Chart. You did a great job.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. I love your tips for managing listening centers and the mp3 players. It's so simple but it makes so much sense! :) Thanks for sharing!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  11. I love your listen to reading labels on your books! I would love a copy of that, if possible! I am so inspired that I ordered some mp3 players for my class this year. Thanks for sharing.
