Friday, 4 May 2012

May Currently, Plant Update, and Pete

I actually remembered to link up this time!! Here's my May Currently...

Just a short post tonight... maybe I won't procrastinate and actually get that closet organized! Or at least get some ice cream! Haha!

I'll leave you with a couple pictures. First, it looks like I do have some sort of ability to grow green things. Our pea plants are *thriving*. We are so excited! Take a look at these babies...

And last, I read the new Pete the Cat book today and the kids loved it! {Belly button}. Ah ha ha!! I didn't download the song yet, so I will play that on Monday and then we will graph which book we liked best. Rhonda over at Classroom Fun has an adorable little unit to go with the new Pete book. There is a cute craft I'm hoping to squeeze in next week and the graphing activity we will do on Monday. I made labels for my graphing pocket chart to go with Rhonda's paper version. You can download them {here} if you wish.

I can't wait to do some of the fun writing activities from {First Grade Blue Skies} Jennifer's Pete the Cat unit too. It is going to be a Pete-tastic week!!

Happy Weekend, everybody!!

1 comment:

  1. very cute blog!
    I am your newest follower!
    stop by my blog if you get a chance:)

    Miss Elementary
