Friday, 9 March 2012

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb! {Hopefully!!!}

Sorry I have been neglecting everyone for the last week! I am swamped with assessments and report cards, and to top it all off, I have been blessed with a terrible cold! Gotta love winter! Fingers crossed for an early spring!

I did want to give a big thank you to everyone who supported my Leap Day sale at TpT! I truly appreciate all of your sweet comments, too!

I just have a couple quick things to share with you tonight! At the beginning of the month, we talked about the saying, "In like a lion, out like a lamb." We read this little poem by Lorie Hill, then brainstormed characteristics of a lion and lamb. Then we talked about what it meant if the weather was like a lion or lamb. We predicted whether or not we thought March was going to come in like a lion or lamb!

On March 1st we ended up having very lamb-like weather, but the 2nd was a big snow storm, so I'm hoping that was the lion and we are on our way to a beautiful spring now!

We made these cute and easy paper plate crafts. We painted one plate yellow with an orange border and the other we painted black (although a few students wanted to leave their lambs white). Then when they dried we added googley eyes, construction paper noses and ears, and cotton balls.

I just punched holes at the top and hung them back to back. Easy and super cute!

Also, here's a quick little measurement activity I whipped up this week. The students used unifix cubes to do some non-standard measuring activities. First they measured the length of lines. Then they measured the area of squares and rectangles. Finally they went around to measure the length of the "inch worms" I had hidden around the room. There are 6 different worms for them to find and measure. My kiddies had so much fun with this whole activity! I will definitely have to make some more of these! Yay for fun math! If you would like a copy of the activity, click the picture of the worksheet to download it for free!

Well that's it for tonight! I'm going to relax with the puppy tonight and watch some cheesey chick flicks on tv! Good night everybody!


  1. Those are some cute lions and lambs!

    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. I absolutely LOVE these lion/lamp plate crafts. We are having some crazy weather here in Ontario, Canada so lets hope we are in the lamb stage of March...


    Pencils with Pizzazz
