Saturday 18 February 2012

Valentine's Day and 100th Day in the SAME WEEK!

This week has been CUH-RAZY! Monday I was away at a P.D. session which was awesome! It was all about proactive strategies for dealing with students with ODD, ADHD, and Autism. Tuesday was Valentine's Day! Yay! We were so hopped up on sugar, it was ridiculus! And yesterday was the 100th day of school for us! Wow! Here's a peek at a few things we did this week.

I love incorporating food into Math, so we started the day with a little conversation heart graph, from Erin Eberhart's new Valentine unit found here.

I went with super simple for our Valentine bags this year. Plain brown paper bags, large foam hearts from the dollar store, scrap construction paper, and a little imagination! I gave them a few ideas, but let them just go with it! They turned out super cute!

Can you tell the first bag is Sonic the Hedgehog? Haha. Love it!

For our party, we watched a Clifford valentine video, played pin the heart on the penguin, and had a few snacks. Of course nobody thinks about fresh veggies or fruit when it comes to Valentine's Day. Only sugar, sugar, and more sugar! ;)

I got so many hugs and so many "This is the best Valentine's Day ever!" Oh, I love that it is so simple to please first graders!

On to our one hundredth day of school yesterday... We started with our daily calendar. We filled in our hundreds chart and counted by 1's, 5's, and 10's. We bundled our 100 straws. We changed our money into one dollar--a loonie! :) And we added our 100th circle to our caterpillar.

We read this cute poem by Meish Goldish. We counted the number of words to double check there really were 100 words and glued it into our poetry journal (downloaded from Ms. Van Orman at The Sharpened Pencil).

Of course we had to make the adorable 100 year old portraits I have been seeing everywhere! Some wall paper scraps, pieces of lace, cotton balls, and yarn = super cute old people! The writing was hilarious too. "When I am 100 years old, I will ride my motorcycle." lol. Really??

We counted our 100 collections, by separating it into 10 groups of 10.

We also made fruit loop necalces. First we sorted out the fruit loops into groups of ten (thank you again, Erin Eberhart for the free mat--see her post here). Then we strung them onto colourful yarn to make cute neclaces!

We took a little break from all the work to complete 100 exercises! I made up 10 different exercise cards: 10 jump jacks, 10 sit ups, 10 leg kicks, etc. We did the exercises all together, but you could set up 10 stations and have groups rotate through them as well. If you would like to download the cards, click the picture below.

Then to end the day, I had already planned to do a hunt for 100 hugs and kisses {the chocolate kind}. I have seen this idea all over the web, but heard about it first from Andi over at Pencils, Glue, & Tying Shoes. Then I also saw Cara Carroll's adorable idea to graph which they liked better--hugs or kisses? So we combined both, for a fun chocolate-filled afternoon!

Each chocolate had a number on the bottom, so the kids had to practice matching the numbers on the hundreds chart. We actually ended up only finding 98 of them... so hopefully the missing two show up next week! :P

That's it for now! Have a funtastic weekend! I've got a three-day weekend, so yipee! :)


  1. Wow! Looks like a full day. I'm trying to figure out what the items are that are being sorted in the picture above the fruit loop necklace picture. gummy bears??? Thanks for sharing your photos.

    First Grade Delight

    1. Haha. She brought in 100 gummy bunnies and chicks. Her mom bought them from a bulk bin at the grocery story. That is a lot of candy! :)

  2. I love all of your ideas! I pinned the exercises and the caterpillar for next year. I use the same calendar days as you, aren't they so cute??

    Marvelous Multiagers!

    1. Thank you so much, Jill. I love those calendar pieces! They are so cute and each month has a new pattern, so you don't have to even think about it! Makes life easy! :)

  3. amazingly fun day!! would love to hear about what you took away from your ODD/ADD work if you ever feel like blogging about it. sometimes I feel like I'm hearing the same strategies over.

    - Lisa
    a teachers bag of tricks

    1. That's something I would definitely like to post about. It can be so challenging trying to come up with new strategies for those students. But for now, here is a link to my presenters blog. She has a lot of resources posted about every possible topic! There is a list of helpful links at the bottom too! Hope it helps!

  4. I love the Valentine bags AND the 100s exercise chart.
    We did the candy kisses last year and I completely forgot about it. So thanks for the reminders :)

    Grade ONEderful

  5. Hi Amanda,
    Looks like a lot of fun things are happening in your classroom. I am your newest follower and will have to pop in more often to see what you are up to. Come visit me sometime. :o)
    ~ Vicky
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  6. Looks like fun! I grabbed your exercise cards for our 100 day which isn't until next week, thanks!

    Kaleigh's Klassroom

  7. I love the pig at Calendar, how did you make him? I would love to make one:)
