Sunday, 15 January 2012

A Random Smattering of Pictures {and a few freebies!}

Here's what we have been up to our first week back to school!

We started our math centres. The kids love them! Some of the ones I thought would be hard (One Less/One More, Snowball Ordering...), my kiddies are just flying through them!

Remember to check out my Winter Math Centers at TpT. Click the picture below to take you there!

Here are some fun snowman themed activities we have done this week. We listed all the parts of the snowman on this brace map.

Here is my mini monthly word wall. It hangs near my large word wall and changes themes monthly. Students can take the cards out during writing time. You can download the cards {here}.

The kids love playing snowman hangman. I use the words from the monthly word wall. The snowman came from Kim Adsit's Snowman Surprise unit.

We read "Snowmen at Night" and wrote about what else we thought snowmen might do at night while we are sleeping! 

We made these cute star snowmen inspired by Mrs. Schmelzer's First Grade. Ignore the flower border. I should probably change that. lol

This was our first time doing a Making Words activity, but they really enjoyed it! We came up with a ton of new words. These letters are from Kathleen at Growing Kinders. Get them here.

We read "Snowmen All Year" and talked about why we don't see snowmen in July. We also read the poem "Why?" by Deanna Jump from her Snowman Unit. They glued the poem in their poetry notebooks and drew a picture of what their snowman would do in the summer.

We also did this little science experiment from Deanna's unit: The Great Melting Race! We had a race to see who could melt an ice cube the fastest. Then we talked about the ways we could generate heat. It was a lot of fun! {Even if our hands got really cold!}

We read the book "The Greatest Snowman in the World" (so cute.... they loved it!) and did some how-to writing.

This is the student writing page. Click the picture to download it if you wish.

Lastly, we read "The Mitten". We completed our story map together. Then we acted out the story together using the animal masks from Jan Brett's website. So much fun!

Afterwards, we each took one of our mittens and brainstormed some adjectives to describe them. (Based on Cara Caroll's adejctive lesson seen here.) On the back of the page we did a graph to see how many people wore mittens and how many wore gloves. Click either picture to download these mitten freebies! Clipart is from the adorable KPM Doodles.

A fun week to start off the New Year! Up next week: bears and hibernation! Look forward to a fun and easy Eric Carle inspired art project.

Happy Monday tomorrow!


  1. Your snowman brace map is too cute! I really like your snowman hangman too :) What awesome pics :) Have a happy rest of your weekend :)

    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

  2. This looks like such a fun time for your kiddos!!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  3. I love the stuff you've been doing. I'm totally copying you :) Thanks!

    Grade ONEderful

  4. Hi, I have stopped by to look at your lovely blog, very inspiring. I am doing the rounds spreading the Pinterest love at the moment. I've just put a link on my blog to add your latest teaching ideas and discoveries from Pinterest if you are interested. Either link up your pinterest board or a post from your blog about your current faves.
    You can find it here, From Mrs C @ Excuse Me! Mrs. C

  5. I love the mini word wall! Would you mind sharing the file for the monthly picture/word cards that you used to make yours? I'd love to add these to my classroom!
