Sunday, 18 December 2011

Currently December!!

This is my first time linking up with Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade for her December Currently. Such a cute idea! I love stalking and seeing what everybody is up to. I know, it's a Saturday night and I'm home on my computer.... such is my life! The last two Saturdays have been busy with Christmas parties and dinners, so I am HAPPY to be home this Saturday! Well, here it goes:

That's me in a nut shell tonight!

Here's a few more Christmas activities we have been up to this week. We did a little four-square writing activity. Click the picture to download the rough copy page.

{Download US spelling version here.}

For a good copy, I used 11 x 11" white squares and we glue on 1" strips of red and green for ribbons and a bow to top it off!

**Blogger Tip** If you ever have that annoying problem where you can't get your photos to rotate properly, try saving them as a PNG file. That worked for me!

On Friday, I had planned a morning of Christmas ornament making. I wanted to have seven rotations set up with a volunteer at each station, but I had a lack of volunteer interest at this time of year, so I ended up having three stations.

At the first station, we made three foam crafts (kits from Michaels craft store): Gingerbread Boys/Girls, Snowflakes, and Wreaths.

At the second station we made candy cane reindeer (I found brown gingerbread-flavoured candy canes at Walmart... perfect!) and beaded candy canes.

Finally, at the third station we made popsicle stick Christmas trees and snowmen.

*Helpful Hint* Instead of trying to write their name on each ornament, I had students write their name on a piece of scrap paper/newspaper and students just placed each ornament on their paper. It worked out very nicely!

I had a collection of used/cheap Christmas baggies, so we will package up all of our ornaments in a bag with some tissue paper, and voila! A wonderful Christmas present for parents!

Speaking of Christmas presents... these are just a little something I whipped up for my EA's and teammates. Super cute! You can download the tags from Crafts reDesigned here.

I will leave you tonight with a few more pictures of Elfy! He always puts a smile on my face! :)

Happy Holidays, everyone!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing your cute four-square writing activity! I think I will do that this week.

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  2. I love Elf! The four-square writing activity is so cute! I'll have to save it for next year though.

    First Grade Delight

  3. I'm back! I gave you the Liebster award on my blog; come check it out! :)

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  4. hehe - I like the unifix christmas tree! And Elf is one of my favorite Christmas movies, although I don't typically like Will Farrell...
    Jen Ross
    The Teachers’ Cauldron

  5. Thanks so much everybody! Having fun with ELfy is what is keeping me sane and smiling this week! lol. I hope everybody has a good last week! (Or is already having fun on their holidays!!)

    Jill, thank you for the Liebster award! I am honoured! :)


  6. omigosh I love that super cute soap tag!! Thanks for sharing where you found those :) Now I need to buy some soapy gifts...

    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  7. Love the present 4 square activity! Such a cute way to spice up a simple writing activity! :)


  8. what fun craftivities! I'm your newest follower :)

    Happy Holidays!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  9. cube tree was the BEST!!! so great you can join me... hope to see you next month too!!!

  10. Love the gift for your teammates! Super cute!
    Funky First Grade Fun

  11. Hi! Just found your blog! I love that four square activity. Any chance I can get one with the "American" spelling for favorite? Thanks!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Raina. Check up on the blog--I put a link to the US spelling version.
