Sunday, 6 December 2015

What Have We Been Up To? Monthly Update

How is it December already?? I swear I was just getting my classroom set up last week. I can't believe it. I also haven't blogged in almost two months.... ugh! Sorry about that! I've had so many good intentions, but life just gets in the way! Oh well, here's a quick recap of some stuff we have done since I last blogged...

We had pumpkin day and costume day. I was the hot dog from the Pop See Ko 2.0 video! (Any Go Noodle fans here??)

I also presented my first solo PD session--Engaging and Interactive Science Ideas! Eeek! I got some positive feedback, so hopefully I didn't come off as nervous as I felt!

We learned about peace, war, and Remembrance Day. We made these scrapbook poppy artworks.

We had report cards and parent teach conferences. We put up a board of all the reasons why we Go Noodle so parents can see why we do it! It's also a place to keep track of our maxed out champs! :)

On December 1st our classroom elf made a visit! Santa delivered a present for us with our elf, the book, voting tags, and elf notebooks (from Mel D's The Ultimate Classroom Elf Kit). We voted and our elf's name is "The Good Elf". So creative. lol

We actually started our Christmas Around the World unit two weeks ago. We have been having so much fun!! We've traveled to Mexico, Brazil, France, Italy, and South Africa.

Each day we fill in a page in our scrapbook, add a stamp to our suitcase, and make a craft to go with it! Here's a look at our poinsettias, tinsel-tail birds, and yule logs! So much fun and a great way to keep the kiddos engaged until Christmas!

I also saw this life-size gingerbread house over at Mrs. Goff's Pre-K Tales and knew that the giant boxes sitting in my basement would be put to good use! I cut the pieces at home, shoved them in the backseat of my little Civic, and then assembled it at school. My kiddos love it! I printed out some decorations to colour and set out some scrap paper/art supplies for my students to make for the gingerbread whenever they have spare time. It's looking pretty cute so far. They even decorate the inside!

We're reading and comparing fifteen of my favourite gingerbread stories this month! It's pretty sad that I have even more than 15 versions though.... I can't help it! I just love the stories! :)

That's about it! We've got two weeks until Christmas break. I have not even started my Christmas shopping yet, so I better get on that soon. Have a happy Monday tomorrow!

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