Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Happy New Year! {Math Freebies!}

I know, I know.... it has been almost two months since I last posted! This is my first post in the new year, can you believe it?? I hope there are a few of you still out there keeping tabs on my poor little blog. If you are, well lucky you! I'm here with a few fun math freebies that I hope you can use!

Things in my life have been super busy and this growing little girl inside of me is taking up a lot of my time, energy, and thoughts. I can't believe she will be here in less than 10 weeks! {Or later if she's as stubborn as her momma.} I only have 8.5 more teaching weeks until I take my maternity leave! I keep telling people I'm not sure what I'm more worried about... having a baby or leaving my classroom for such a long time! :) I can't guarantee I will be posting much once the baby comes, but once things settle down a bit, I hope I will be able to take some time to do some postings and maybe throw out a few new products.

Here are just a few simple math activities I've been using in our math centres...

First up, Hockey BUMP! We had some local junior hockey players come visit our school during Numeracy Month to do some math activities with our students, so I whipped up this little BUMP game for them to play together. I thought it would be fun for anyone doing an Olympic theme this month... or if anyone has some hockey fans in their classroom. I know I have a bunch! {Me included! Go Jets Go!} If you have never played a BUMP game, it will soon become a class favourite! Each player gets 10 unifix cubes. Player 1 rolls the dice, adds the numbers together, and places their cube on the correct number. If another player's cube is already on the number, they may BUMP it off and place their cube instead. If Player 1 already has a cube on the number, they may place a second cube on top and "lock" it in place, meaning no one can BUMP it off! Then the next player goes. The first player to place all of their cubes is the winner!

{Click the picture or here to download Hockey BUMP.}

Next up is a little domino adding centre. You can use regular dominoes, but I found these cute Ladybug Dominoes in the book order one month! I can never pass up cute math manipulatives like this! For the centre, students choose a domino and draw the spots on their recording sheet. Then they write the addition sentence below the picture. Easy peasy!

{Click the picture or here to download Ladybug Domino Addition.}

This is another fun domino activity, but for partners. It's called Spot the Dots. Each player gets their own gameboard and some unifix cubes. They take turns flipping over a domino, adding the dots together, and placing a cube on their gameboard. The first player to get three paw prints in a row is the winner!

{Click either picture or here to download Spot the Dots.}

Last up is a game students can play alone or with a partner. The student rolls two dice and finds the matching ten frame. There is a colour version that students can cover up with unifix cubes or a black & white version that students can colour! My students love to colour, so this is a fun game for them to play.

{Click either picture or here to download Winter Warm Up.}

I hope you have a had a good January! Ours has been super cold... three snow days and countless days of indoor recess. I honestly think the kids have gone outside for maybe two or three days this month.... They are getting restless and so am I! Hopefully it is an outdoor day tomorrow! Stay warm friends.


  1. Congratulations to you on your little one! Thank you for the fun games!

  2. Thanks for the great freebies! Yay for going on Mat Leave!

    The Reading Corner
