Monday, 9 April 2012

Late Breaking News from PNN!!

I started this morning off by telling the kids there was the really important news report that I had to show them! It was breaking news!

I have had the release date for this book scheduled into my phone for months now! I was so excited when I finally walked into the book store and saw it sitting there... Oh that Mo Willems cracks me up! I love the little ducking. He's such a cutie-pa-tootie!!

I knew this would get my kids a little excited and goofy first thing on a Monday morning... after a long weekend... with bellies full of chocolate and jelly beans... and I wanted to start some lessons on subtraction because we haven't done much work on it. So I decided that the pigeon, duckling, and cookies would help me get the kids excited about subtraction!

I created this little chart to help us do some subtraction problems together. I just used my name cookies that I made for our "Who Stole the Cookie?" game way back in September... I came up with some subtraction questions for use to practice together. While I was working at the front, students were using unifix cubes in front of them to practice subtraction. They had a lot of fun!

Then I whipped up a few cookie subtraction worksheets to go with our lesson! They seemed to get it quickly when we talked about cookies... Because if you have some cookies and you eat some... you can't have more than you started with! That just doesn't make sense!

If you would like some subtraction practice worksheets (you don't even need to read the book... who doesn't love cookies??) just click the picture below to download!

I'm glad we got Monday out of the way now... Onto Tuesday! :)


  1. How fun! I love that Mo Willems!

    Rowdy in Room 300

  2. Seriously cute book (MUST BUY!) and freebie (thank you :)))

    Grade ONEderful
