Sunday, 25 September 2011

What Have We Been Up To...

I can't believe how time just flies by in grade one! There is only one week left in September, can you believe it? According to our daily calendar, we have only been in school for 12 days so far, but it feels like I have known these little ones forever! Well we have had a busy week and I know next week is going to be even busier! So many unexpected meetings, inservices, and other events that keep popping up! But now that I have a moment to catch my breath, here are some things we did this week!

Theme: Seasons

In both our Science and Social Studies, we talking about the four seasons and seasonal changes. We start off by talking about the seasons. I like Gail Gibbon's "The Reason for the Seasons." I also discovered that my kids LOVE sesame street videos and they have some really great ones that go with your themes. I found  this cute one called "Eating Cookies All Year". I love Cookie Monster!! Click on the pic for the link.

Each day of the week we focused on a different season and completed an anchor chart. I forgot to take pictures, but the name of the season went in the middle and the chart paper was divide into four sections. We brainstormed the months of that season, what the weather was like, the clothes we wear in that season, and activities we like to do in that season. You can download the titles for the anchor charts by clicking on the picture below.

Here is what our completed anchor charts looked like (excuse my messy, slanty writing... I need to work on that!)

The first season we talked about was fall (because we're in it!) After our anchor chart was complete, we did a little fall art project. I photocoped this bare tree onto thicker manilla tag paper, then students painted fall coloured leaves onto it using q-tips! They had so much fun with this and it was a really easy art project to set up! Click the picture to download the template.

The next day we talked about winter. We watched Bert in this cute little video called "All Dressed Up". Click for the link.

We completed a little picture sort. Students coloured the little circles, then cut them out and glued them on the correct season on the chart. Click the pic to download!

Again, another cute Sesame Street video for spring. This one is "Spring is Here."

Then we created spring umbrellas. These were inspired by Cara's Onomatopoeia Umbrellas (just tweaked for our season study). The tops of the umbrella were made from scrapbook paper. The handle was brown construction paper. On each of the raindrops, students wrote and drew four things that they liked about spring. They turned out super cute. Here's my example:

And for our last season: summer! I read the story "Beach Day" by Patricia Lakin. We completed our summer anchor chart and then graphed our favourite season. I use a graph pocket chart and just printed out the title and option cards. The yellow cards each have my students names on the front and magnets on the back. You can download the graph cards here. (US version of favorite here.)

Wow! Us Canadians sure do like out winter! (Even with -40°C weather and snow up to our eyeballs!) After we graphed our favourite season, we watched another cute Sesame Street video called "Guess the Season." Kids really liked this one!

After that, students completed a page for a class book. The page says "I like [insert favourite season here] because ___________." and they draw a picture to go with it. You can download the title page and student page for the book by clicking either picture. (US version of favorite here.)

This week we also started "Read to Self" for our Daily 5 time. We created our I-chart, practiced building our stamina, talked about where to sit (no, the dark closet is NOT a good place to read...), and did the I PICK lesson. Students are loving this reading time so far! I also started the school year off reviewing the colours. I love love LOVE the Color Day Fun unit from Made for 1st Grade. I have used lots of activities from that unit. On yellow day, we read "Pete the Cat: Rocking in my School Shoes" because Pete rides a big yellow bus to school. We followed the directions in the unit to make our own school buses. They are so simple but turned out super cute!

Look at Pete sitting in the back of this student's bus. How cute!

Next week our theme is weather and we will be starting our math centres. I will post about these both next week! Happy Monday tomorrow, everybody!


  1. You've got an awesum cute blog n neat ideas!!I'm new to blogging but I'm over at

  2. Hi Amanda,
    I'm your newest follower :) We're doing Seasons too so I grabbed a bunch of your ideas. Thank you! I notice you're a fellow Canadian. I live in Victoria. Where abouts are you?
    Take care.

    Grade ONEderful

  3. Thanks for the sweet words :)

    Barbara, I live about half an hour away from Winnipeg, MB. Getting ready for another Manitoba winter soon... BRRRRR! I love Victoria though, beautiful city!!


  4. Wow, thanks for sharing! We are learning about weather and seasons right now, too, so these are perfect! :)

  5. Very cute idea. Is it possible to make a cover with the spelling "favorite" for us non-Canadians? I love your ideas!

  6. Em & other non-Canadian friends :)

    Check the bottom of the post for new downloads with the "favorite" changed! Thanks for your support and comments!


  7. Me again. I have TONS of family in Winnipeg! In fact, my mom's visiting there right now. My grandma used to live in Headingly (sp?). I can imagine it's getting cold there now. I was born in Wpg at the end of October during a snowstorm!!! No chance of that here in Victoria -- ha ha. Have a good one!

    Grade ONEderful

  8. Ahhh...thank you for the american spelling. I never knew there was a difference until first downloading your canadian versions.

  9. Thank you so very much for this blog!!! I'm in the United States and I'm a first year teacher! I was clueless as to what I can do for the season unit and you have answered my prayers!
